Jury InFest 20222022-06-18T18:08:30+00:00

Infest jury 2022

Between the 4 or 5 hundred submissions we receive annually, the InFest organization selects around twenty shorts to screen during the festival. This year, the pre-selection has been carried out by the following cockroaches: Anna Berrozpe, Miqui Cardona, Imanol Fernández, Alberto García, Nerea Gómez, Ignasi Muñoz and Laia Pineda. All of them are linked to the artistic and audiovisual world in one way or another. The InFest organization is also in charge of choosing a professional jury, which will be awarding the first and second InFest prizes, valued at €1,000 and €250, respectively. In 2022, the jury is made up of:

L’organització InFest s’encarrega també de buscar un jurat professional, que serà qui concedirà el primer i el segon premi InFest, valorats en 1.000 i 250 € respectivament. L’any 2022, el jurat està format per:

Javier Botet


Javier Botet

Tot i ser un dels actors que més has vist a Hollywood, probablement no el reconeixeràs. Actor, director i il·lustrador, Javier Botet ha estat, entre d’altres, la niña de Medeiros de REC, la Mare de Mamá, Slenderman, Key Face a Insidious i fins i tot un xenomorf a Alien Covenant.

Anna Moragriega Farrés


Anna Moragriega Farrés

Anna has worked with the structuring financially of projects at Gate Media and LatAm. She has also been head of production for Nanouk Films and Filmin feature film “Ojos Negros” (2019), winner of the Biznaga de Plata at the Malaga Festival and nominated for ‘Best Non-Catalan Language Film’ at the Catalan Gaudí Awards.
Among the most outstanding short films with Anna as a producer we find «NI OBLIT NI PERDÓ» (2019), «TRIBU» (2017), or «PETIT» (2017). She currently teaches classes at ESCAC, working at production company Nostromo Pictures assisting the executive producers and realizing her own independent film projects with Pausa Dramática Films.

Caye Casas


Caye Casas

Born in Terrassa, Caye Casas is a writer and director known for his short films Nada S.A. (2014) and R.I.P. (2017). In the last edition of InFest we had the pleasure of selecting this, his latest short film, which with its extremely black humor won the audience award. His first feature film, Matar a Dios (2017), was also awarded the Grand Audience Award at the Sitges Festival.